Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The new age of the Millennial

Millennials are such a popular topic of conversation these days, so I would like to expand on our previous post from last week on Millennials. 

For those who are not a part of the millennial generation, you may have been taught early in your career that relocation would be a part of your life.  For millennials, this has not necessarily been the case.  This generation typically is one that would rather stay where they are comfortable, and where they can have a good, but maybe not great job.  However, relocation can be a possibility, even internationally, if approached the right way. 

Millennials need to feel that they aren't alone.  We are social creatures, so continuing that openness as we move to a new location is key.  Setting up lunches, after-hours activities and other outings with folks from the hiring company are just a few of the steps that need to be taken to make relocation a reality for millennials.

Putting together a relocation package, (I’m not talking just money!) could be the catalyst that helps a young professional move.  This package needs to include housing information, realtors that they can trust, things to do in the area, the best neighborhoods near the office, and much more.  This can be instrumental to the success of a relocation.  Since not adjusting to a new environment is the top reason for a negative relocation, hiring companies should do everything in their power to ensure the successful move of any professional.

A relocating Millennial should be given the same attention that would be given to a more seasoned professional, and sometimes even more so.  With the changing workforce, companies need to adapt to the new ways of the millennials.

If you need help attracting top talent like millennials, please contact a practice leader at Connor|Caitlin. 

Infographic from