Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Video Marketing; a Visual Strategy

The goal of all methods of advertisement is to make your business stand out from your competitors and be chosen by consumers. Most businesses constantly have the struggle of wanting to stand out, while keeping in mind staying within a budget for their marketing efforts. Advertising your business in such a divided market space today can get pricey.

A simple and easy advertisement strategy is video marketing. According to comScore, about 45% of Internet users viewed at least one video per month. This isn’t too surprising since the Internet has become so dominant in today’s society.  Video marketing captures the user’s attention and allows you to deliver your message in a way that everyone can comprehend.

There are many statistics that have proven video marketing is even more effective than the more popular forms of advertisement. First off, “90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60K times faster in the brain than text” according to Zabisco. About 52% of consumers state that they are more confident in the company or product after watching a video, according to Invodo. Now this number may be a bit surprising, but according to Orion 21 there is an 800% increase in conversation on websites with videos versus those without.

Video marketing encourages mobile users to share videos, use the video content, and take action. However, it’s important to remember to keep your video short and to the point. Your video should be about one to two minutes long, but nothing over two minutes because after that viewers often lose interest. Video marketing is a smart advertising tactic because it’s easy, inexpensive, and powerful.

Please contact for more tips on how to market your company.