Wondering why you’re so tired at work all the time? There
are many different causes as to why you might be struggling to stay awake, yet
the solutions to them are actually quite simple. The most common reason would
be poor sleeping habits or just lack of sleep. If you can’t seem to fall asleep
earlier, try setting an alarm telling you to unwind and start getting ready for
Other than the obvious reason, your personal diet and
exercise routine could be affecting your sleeping habits. You might think that
drinking coffee or eating some sweets throughout the day will keep you awake,
but all that’ll do is give you energy for a short amount of time before you
crash. Normally you would consider
exercising an activity that would just wear you out more, however studies show
that working out when you’re tired will help you regain your energy.

Do you happen to be a perfectionist? Well if you are that
could be another not so obvious cause as to why you’re tired. This is because
perfectionists are constantly setting goals for themselves that cannot always
be met in the time they prefer or even at all. On the contrary, if you are a
disorganized individual you might want to rethink your work-space. Having a
cluttered desk is normally less than productive, but it’s especially a problem
because it can make you feel mentally exhausted. If you are one of these
individuals, start keeping a neater work-space by organizing your files in
folders for example.
Finally, I’m sure almost everyone is familiar with the
expression “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. This is true
because if you skip breakfast your body will try to conserve the energy that it
didn’t get from its morning fuel, leaving you feeling tired all day. Start your
day a little earlier next time in order to prepare a healthy breakfast to kick
start your day. Hopefully these suggestions will stop you from dozing off at
work next time.
Please contact Connor | Caitlin Talent Solutions at www.connorcaitlin.com for more suggestions on how to have a more productive work day.