Congratulations, you landed the interview.
Now what? You haven’t been to a job interview in
fifteen years. What has changed? What do you need to do differently now with a
new generation of hiring managers? These
are all valid concerns for someone who hasn't been actively searching for a job
in years. And unfortunately, seasoned
professionals could be hurting their chances of getting hired by not
interviewing properly.
While there is a myriad of interview tips on the web, there
are just a few items that I want to point out. Seasoned professionals are most likely going
to be interviewing for higher level position, as well as leadership abilities. Your best bet is giving examples of
successes, but successes where you worked with a team and gives proper credit
to those who worked with you.
Authority vs. Humility
Experience and skill level are always going to be selling points,
but not as far as to get you that dream managerial position. Showing that you are interdependent on your
team and employer will win you big brownie points with the hiring manager. Having confidence in your skills, as well as
answering in a way that says that you are a team player and able to be flexible
will get you farther than just throwing your co-workers under the bus.
If you need help learning some new interview tips and
tricks, or want to find that person who can fit the bill for your company,
contact Connor|Caitlin.