Nearly all studies and surveys about what companies are
looking for in their next hire result in the same top answer: communication.
Employers need to know that a person can effectively communicate with others in
order to complete tasks, make improvements, develop culture, create change, and
many other things.
The first way employers will begin determining communication
skills occurs in the interview. More and more interviewers are asking
candidates vague questions. This is not because the hiring authorities do not
know what they want to ask, it is because they want to know if a candidate can
provide them the information they need.

This is the time for a candidate to show the employer that
they are not only qualified for the job, but they bring excellent
communications skills to the table as well. If a candidate answers “Yes” to the
second version of the question, they are technically answering what was asked
of them. However, a candidate could answer, “Yes, I have. At my current
position I manage a team of 6 individuals who each have at least three reports.
I have had to resolve conflicts and help make group changes. It is an
environment I have really enjoyed and have also learned a lot from.” This
answer gives the hiring authority detail that a simple “yes” did not. It shows
that the candidate has real applicable skills and can communicate that clearly.
In your next interview, be sure to listen for opportunities
like the one described here and showcase your communication skills when you
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for more information.