Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Who’s Interviewing Who?

As the interviewer, you should always be aware that your potential employee could have several other offers. You are doing more than just interviewing your candidate; think of it as you are selling them the job. During the interview process your candidate is likely (hopefully) taking mental notes about you as well, and the company overall. Therefore, it’s important to not only ask questions, but also inform them about yourself and your position within the company.
When it comes to the interview process, always be respectful towards your candidate and attentive when they are speaking. This will make your candidate feel more comfortable and important. Let them know about your company’s culture and how your executives make an effort to get to know their employees on a personal level.

Your candidate should also be informed that their opinions matter and their feedback would always be considered. Also, knowing that there are competitors, it’s critical to make a better offer. This way your candidate can compare salaries, healthcare insurance, benefits, and hours. If your candidate brings up a counter-offer they received from another company, always counter the counter-offer.

Aside from being the interviewer, always be prepared for your candidate to ask you some questions of his or her own. They will often ask about their career path, which you should always answer in a long-term perspective in order for them to feel secure at your company. Make sure you are also well informed about your co-workers and what they do because your candidate may ask what they are like to see if they will fit in.

This is a candidate-driven job market, which means top candidates can afford to be particular about which offer to accept, so always make a good case because they are interviewing you too.

For more information please contact Connor|Caitlin at www.connorcaitlin.com