Friday, November 20, 2015

What your Resume Says About You

A resume is an ideal tool used to exemplify you.  Many times, recruiters will not even look at your cover letter until they have gone over your resume. There would be no point in going further than viewing the resume if you don’t have the correct qualifications and background for the position right? This is why its critical to provide as much information and accomplishments as possible. One thing is certain; you never want recruiters assuming anything. For example, if there is a gap in your resume somewhere when you were out of work then make sure you give an explanation as to why. Your timeline regarding different jobs is one of the key components of your resume. This way recruiters will be able to decipher whether you are more committed or a job jumper.

Now, when listing your previous jobs and current job, it’s essential to provide a decent description for each one. On the other hand, don’t be too lengthy about it and make it easy to read by using bullet points for instance. Recruiters want to see that you have had multiple job titles throughout your career; this indicates you are well rounded and more experienced. With that being said, recruiters want to know if you are getting results in your area of expertise. This would be where you talk about your accomplishments and throw in some numbers that give weight to your achievements.

Continuously promote your quality as a person and employee, your skills, and of course your education. At the end of your resume it is strongly suggested to provide a couple references for the recruiter to contact if needed. Bottom line is, always be critical of your work. Your resume is your first impression so make sure it’s a memorable one because your resume speaks for you.

Please contact Connor | Caitlin at for more information regarding resumes.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Make Time your Partner, Not your Opponent

Time is the most precious resource we have as human beings.  When it comes to your job, time management is definitely something you need to master sooner rather than later to avoid being swamped. There are a few key tips to keep in mind when managing your time during work.

Always be a good listener. It’s critical to listen to your colleagues in order to learn, receive some advice, or come up with new ideas. Often times this helps get tasks done faster.
Deadlines are also very important, so the more successful employees tend to be more organized and productive by keeping track of time. Planning ahead is a tactic that is needed in order to meet deadlines and will benefit you in the sense of keeping your day on track.

In today’s society, technology and social media are becoming large aspects in the business world. Technology should be used as a resource, but a lot of times it can be a distraction. It’s vital to be in control of technology so it doesn’t control you and affect your work ethics. Take initiative and handle these circumstances and diversions that are best for you.

Another tip is knowing your limit, so never bite off more than you can chew because in the long run that will end up slowing you down.  Going back to planning out your work day; it’s a clever idea to set a time for yourself that you want to work until and a time you don’t want to work past. By choosing a time to leave work by will help you be more proficient during the day, as well as keeping up with plans outside of work. 

The real and utmost trick to time management is organization. Being organized helps you stay at the top of your game, so go ahead and make a to-do list and organize your information. You will find yourself moving at a faster pace and work will seem that much easier with a little bit of organization skills.

Manage your time; don’t let it get ahead of you.

Please contact Connor | Caitlin at for more information.