Now, when listing your previous jobs and current job, it’s
essential to provide a decent description for each one. On the other hand,
don’t be too lengthy about it and make it easy to read by using bullet points
for instance. Recruiters want to see that you have had multiple job titles
throughout your career; this indicates you are well rounded and more
experienced. With that being said, recruiters want to know if you are getting
results in your area of expertise. This would be where you talk about your accomplishments
and throw in some numbers that give weight to your achievements.
Continuously promote your quality as a person and employee,
your skills, and of course your education. At the end of your resume it is
strongly suggested to provide a couple references for the recruiter to contact
if needed. Bottom line is, always be critical of your work. Your resume is your
first impression so make sure it’s a memorable one because your resume speaks
for you.
Please contact Connor | Caitlin at www.connorcaitlin.com for more
information regarding resumes.