Recently in
the news, Taylor Swift voiced her outlook about Apple’s new streaming service
on Tumblr. She claimed that she spoke up about the issue not for herself, but
for other fellow musicians who were not getting paid by Apple. Taylor Swift’s
post was seen by Apple and it did make a difference. Apple replied to her post
and agreed to pay the artists for streaming even during the free trial period.
Even though Taylor Swift is a celebrity, this is still a good example of just
how influential social media can be.
Use social media to your advantage, but always make sure
your posts don’t personally offend anyone. If you have a personal issue with a
colleague or your boss at work, this would be the type of problem to solve in
person. There are certain situations when it’s appropriate to use social media,
and other situations when it’s not. Social media can be a very powerful tool;
know how to use it, don’t abuse it.